Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quiet Book

I've been trying to come up with ways to keep Ezra entertained and preferably quiet during certain tense situations... like waiting at the doctor's office, or waiting to get our food at a restaurant, or on an airplane.  And since he and I are going to visit our California family in about a month, I thought I'd better get on it.

I saw a pin on Pinterest of a quiet book, and I was inspired.  However, all the blogs I've read talk about all the work and time involved, so this task is a bit daunting.  So in the past 3 days I've been working on compiling a list of all the ideas I have for pages and then starting to draw them out and possibly eliminate some that I could always add later (since I'm going the 3 ring, add pages as your child grows to route vs. the completely sewn together way) or eliminate ones that are duplicates.

Here are a few pictures of some of the WONDERFUL pages I've found that I'm going to base my pages from.




These pages are so fantastic.  I seriously can't wait to get started!  Joann's is having a 50% off sale on all their notions starting Friday so I'm going to work on deciding on which pages I'm going to make and then make a list of all the supplies I need so I can go on Saturday and get stocked up.  Hopefully if I have a plan for each page and have the template drawn out it won't take as long.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ezra's best friend in the whole world is a Ty stuffed penguin that we named Greg.  We were strolling through Barnes and Noble one day when he was about 8 months old and he spotted Greg (and some of his penguin friends) on a shelf in the kid's section.  It was love at first bite, er, sight.  See, the minute Greg jumped off the shelf and into Ezra's outstretched hands (with a little help from Mama) Ezra promptly chomped down on Greg's beak and they became instant friends.  Greg's beak has been Ezra's replacement for a pacifier.  Around the time Greg found his way into our lives, paci's were on their way out.  

Greg gets baths regularly (because the beak chomping continues) and we decided to buy a Greg clone just in case one gets lost.  They take turns keeping Ez company at night so they have similar wear, and Ez doesn't know the difference.  Or maybe he does and he doesn't care.  Either way, we now have 2 Gregs that share Ezra's love and affection.  It's probably the best $16 I've ever spent.
Ez with Greg... all ready for bed.